Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Baby # 5

If you don't know already, we are expecting our #5 baby. This came to us as quite a surprise, as it was not the plan for any time soon. Now that the shock has warn off and we know it is really happening we are thrilled beyond belief............actually that is Ammon who is thrilled beyond belief. Ammon prays every night that Heavenly Father will send him two baby brothers. He is soooo excited that he still has one more chance for another boy in the house. The girls are excited too but they are a little concerned that I have to stay a few days in the hospital when the baby is born. This pregnancy has been much different then the rest. I started showing very quickly and the morning sickness didn't just happen in the morning. It knocked me out for a good month and a half. I am excited to be feeling well again. Wow, another baby! We really are truly blessed!

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